A vital step towards getting more organized is to ensure that you store the clothes in your closet in a way that makes the most of the space. Having a well-organized space with all of your clothes, accessories, and shoes arranged perfectly will put you in a good mood and make your whole house seem cleaner.
Here are a few Instagram-worthy tips for creating the ideal arrangement for your wardrobe:
- Clean everything out and use the three-pile method - toss, keep, and donate
- Take measurements
- Use creative storage solutions for delicate clothes and bulky seasonal wear
- Invest in high-quality accessories that stand the test of time
- Adopt a flexible mindset towards your storage system
Unruly and unorganized closets space can leave you feeling anxious. Don't run late for the things you love because you're unable to locate your lucky shirt or pair of black pumps. Keep reading for plenty of guidance to make sure your clothes are stored exactly where you need them.
Only Store The Clothes You Want to Keep
Having to clean out your closets completely may sound overwhelming, but it's totally worth it. Even the longest journey starts with the very first step. Carrying around pounds and pounds of things you no longer use can cause unwanted stress, anxiety, and back pain.
Once you've removed all unnecessary junk, you'll instantly feel better and more in control. First things first, you'll want to separate everything in your closet into three piles:
- Keep it - Things you love or can't live without
- Donate it - Many items still have plenty of life left, even if you can't use them
- Toss it - Ditch anything that's broken, stained, or completely unwearable
Be sure to properly launder the items that are going back into your freshly cleaned closet - stained clothing can attract pests and cause lingering odors. You'll also want to vacuum and wipe down any existing shelves. Start off on the right foot with a sparkling clean closet!
Know Your Space
Taking accurate measurements of your closets is an excellent way to know exactly how much room you have. Whether you want a magazine-worthy custom closet or a simple, easy-to-follow storage plan, knowing how big of an area you have available will make everything easier.
This is also the perfect time to evaluate your closet's lighting, flooring, and paint color. If you're dreaming of a glamorous closet makeover, then having the measurements on hand will help you avoid overbuying or underestimating when it comes to renovation materials.
Get Creative
This is also a great time to separate your remaining wardrobe into more manageable sub-categories. If you live in a colder climate, you'll want your winter gear ready when you need it, but able to be tucked away during the warmer months.
Depending on your lifestyle, you might have high-quality business wear that needs to be cared for appropriately. Arranging your clothes by activity (work, going out, running to the gym) can also help you extend the life of your wardrobe.
Hooks and racks can hold a multitude of items so they're out of the way, but close at hand when you want them. For extra coats, formal wear, costumes, and swimsuits, beware of storing them in plastic bins. They may look helpful, but really, the potential for mold growth is simply too great. Instead, find another space to store off-season pieces.
Treat Yourself
A superb way to get organized is to take advantage of the wide selection of accessories that are on the market today. Design specialists Closet Solutions & Organizers list several examples in What Accessories Are Available for My Custom Closets. Here are just a few of the options:
- Full-extension drawers
- Smooth sliding baskets
- Shoe racks
- Padded and lockable jewelry storage
- Built-in laundry hampers
- Rotating mirrors
In addition, invest in high-quality hangers. Classic wood hangers are ideal for suits and professional clothes, while padded and velvet-covered hangers are suitable for dresses, tank tops, and shirts. Sturdy hangers with clips are just right for skirts and scarves.
Stretchy items like sweaters and athletic wear should always be folded. For an additional blast of freshness, tuck lavender or cedar sachets in your drawers among your folded clothes.
Keep an Open Mind
Change is a fact of life, and the wardrobe that suits you today might not be the right fit next year. You may change your body shape or start a new career, so it's best to adopt an organizational system that's adaptable to your changing tastes.
Whether your closet is a lusciously huge walk-in or a charmingly small relic from a past era, you can create a storage system that maximizes your space and makes getting dressed a breeze. Need additional inspiration? HGTV has some excellent ideas for how to tackle this thorny task and come out as a clear winner.
Revamping your closet from a scary dark wasteland into your happy place isn't easy, but it's totally worth the effort. With just a little TLC & patience, you'll have the picture-perfect space you crave.