Do you feel overwhelmed or stuck in a rut? Has the surrounding chaos or disorganization in your home or closets been holding you back from living a more fulfilled lifestyle? Would you like to improve the quality of your life?
As it turns out, keeping your home neat and tidy and practicing good closet organizational techniques can actually be good for your health! In many surprising ways, having a good sense of organization will not only bring peace to your mind, but to your body as well.
As published in The Journal of Neuroscience, researchers from Princeton University Neuroscience Institute found that clutter keeps you from being able to focus, and limits your ability to process information. Chaos is distracting and competes for your attention, breeding disharmony when your sights should be on more important things.
7 Vital Reasons For Better Closet Organization | Phoenix
When we’re overwhelmed and chaos reigns, we’re often neglecting an important building block to harmony — being organized! Bayou Closets shares How To Brilliantly Master Your Closet Organization with tips on how to purge, organize and maintain order in your closet.
Here are just a few of the ways in which having better home and closet organization will help your body, mind - and soul!
You’ll be Less Stressed
There’s no shortage of research showing that stress is bad for your health. People with higher stress levels are more prone to heart disease and are likely to have shorter lifespans than those without. Being organized and living an organized lifestyle, which means uncluttering your home and having good closet organization , is a proven way to cut down on your stress levels and bring a sense of peace to your home and your life.
You’ll Breathe Better
Part of this is meant in a metaphorical sense, having less stress by being more organized will make you breathe easier, but it can also be taken literally as well. When you’re home is cluttered there are plenty of nooks and crannies and little places that dust and allergens can build up and negatively affect the air quality of your home. Keeping things clean and your closets organized will literally improve your air quality in your home and help you breathe easier.
You’ll Have Time to Exercise
Being organized means having better time management, and more time management means more free time. This is time that can be used for activities that you would otherwise forgo in the haste of everyday life. Always thinking that you never have time to do the things that keep you fit. Getting organized is a proven strategy for making more time for the things that matter. Better home and closet organization will not only give you but also inspire you to take more time to exercise.
You’ll Save Money
Did you know that good home and closet organization can help you to save money? If you know exactly what you have, then you won’t accidentally buy things again that you don’t need. This money can then be spent on activities for better health and well-being, rather than replacing items you already own.
You’ll Have a Greater Sense of Well Being
Being organized leads to greater peace of mind, and knowing that your life is in order is a surefire way to bring a sense of calmness and peace to your life. Being less stressed and having a sense of contentment in yourself and your existence will result in a happier, healthier you.
You’ll Lose Weight
Studies have time and time again shown correlations between organizational levels and weight loss, with those who tend to be more organized and show better time management skills being thinner and fitter overall. So if you’re looking to trim inches from your waistline, one thing you might want to consider is organizing your life. Trimming the extra clutter from your home and closets is a great place to start!
You’ll be More Productive
It’s much easier to be productive when you’re not overly stressed about the hassles of everyday life, and productivity is positively correlated with overall health. Just by amping up your organization levels you’ll pump up your productivity, and be more active and healthier for it. How much more efficient could your life be with some improved - and perhaps well overdue - home and closet organization?
BE The Change!
Health and happiness go hand in hand, and both of them are directly benefited by getting more organized!
If are you ready to get organized and zenify your life, so you can put your focus back on to the important things that create better health and well-being, then it’s time you consider calling in the experts of organization to help turn your clutter chaos in homely harmony.
If you live in the Phoenix area the organizational specialists at L&B Closets right now are offering you an exclusive no obligation FREE IN-HOME Design and Consultation to help you achieve ‘organizational nirvana’.
Call (602) 899-0553 today to book in your exclusive consultation while this offer lasts. B e inspired with more ideas for living a life uncluttered - Download the Free Guide to Simplify Life through the Tao of Home Organization .